1. Purpose
To provide clear and consistent procedures for the management of disclosures of actual or suspected abuse or harm.
2. Definitions
Abuse includes but is not limited to:
- Physical abuse when a person purposely injures or threatens to injure a child, young person or vulnerable adult.
- Emotional abuse an attack on a child, young person or vulnerable adults self esteem such as bullying, name calling, threatening, ridiculing, harassing, intimidating or isolating the child or young person.
- Sexual abuse any sexual act or sexual threat imposed on a child, young person or vulnerable adult.
- Grooming predatory conduct undertaken to prepare a child, young person or vulnerable adult for sexual activity.
3. Introduction
Nations Church acknowledges Gods love for all people and our responsibility as a Christian community to extend our love in Gods name to all who come into contact with our church.
An important expression of that love is to provide a safe environment for all people who are involved in our church. Children are a gift of God and we have a particular responsibility to them, to provide a safe and nurturing environment within which they are protected from all forms of harm and are fully supported to grow in faith and discipleship.
As a member of the Australian Christian Churches (ACC) family we are committed to the full implementation of the ACC Child Protection Policy and the ACC Safer Churches strategy within all of our church operations.
These procedural guidelines for the management of disclosures of abuse are an important strategy towards ensuring a safe Nations Church.
4. Reporting Obligations
When a staff member, leader or volunteer receives a complaint, report of inappropriate behaviour or expression of concern from a child, young person or vulnerable adult, they must respond respectfully, sensitively and in a supportive manner, providing assurance that the matter will be taken seriously and that it will be dealt with in a fair and just manner.
Staff members, leaders and volunteers may become aware of information concerning actual or potential abuse, either through their own observations or information provided by others (e.g. parents, friends or other external sources). In some cases this may be information or observations that clearly indicate that abuse has or may occur, or in others information or observations that are sufficient to cause suspicion that abuse has or may occur. Staff members, leaders and volunteers have an overriding obligation to protect the safety of children, young people and all other Church members, and are therefore required to report the information immediately, whether it is based on actual knowledge or suspicion.
5. Reporting Procedures
- Information concerning actual or potential abuse must be reported immediately to a Pastor or the Safer Church Coordinator. Under no circumstances is the staff member, leader or volunteer to undertake any investigations or inquiries on their own behalf into the matter.
- Details of the matter including the information on which the knowledge or suspicion of actual or potential abuse is based should be recorded on this form. The form may be completed by the staff member, leader or volunteer or alternatively the information may be provided to the Pastor or Safer Church Coordinator, who will complete the form.
- Staff members, leaders and volunteers should treat information concerning actual or potential abuse of a service user as highly confidential. Under no circumstances should they inform the alleged perpetrator of the matters under report.
- When the disclosure or information is reported to a Pastor, then it is the responsibility of the Pastor to take any immediate action to ensure safety (e.g. in the context of reported abuse during a Church event or activity). As soon as practicable after receiving the report, the Pastor should provide the details to the Safer Church Coordinator.
6. Investigation and External Reporting
- The Safer Church Coordinator, upon receiving the disclosure will assess the information contained in the report including where appropriate seeking further clarification of information and details from the reporting person. Where appropriate the Safer Church Coordinator may also contact the National Safer Churches Helpline for advice and assistance.
- Having assessed the information contained in the report the Safer Church Coordinator will recommend to the Head of Corporate Services a strategy for dealing with the report including:
- Whether internal investigation of the matter is appropriate and if so, the nature of inquiries to be undertaken and a recommendation as to who should undertake those inquiries;
- Initiation of the correct complaints handling processes if the allegations are about ACC Leaders/Certificate Holders;
- In the case of alleged criminal behaviour, referral to the Police for investigation, in which case internal investigation is best delayed until the Police have completed their initial inquiries, so that potential criminal evidence is not compromised;
- Any immediate safeguarding/risk management measures that should be put into place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the alleged victim and/or others, e.g. stepping aside a Leader/Certificate Holder who has been accused of harming a child or young person whilst investigation occurs;
- In consultation with the Head of Corporate Services, a strategy to manage any staffing issues likely to arise from the report;
- Requirements to report the mater to external agencies, e.g. Child Protection.
- The Safer Churches Coordinator will, subject to consultation with the Head of Corporate Services, relevant pastors or leaders as appropriate under the circumstances, authorise action be taken in consequence of the report and shall inform the Board in general terms of the report received and action taken.
- The Safer Churches Coordinator, on behalf of the Board, should ensure that pastoral care and support is available and provided to all parties involved, including the child or young person and family.
- Following the completion of such investigations as are required into the matters raised in the report, the Safer Church Coordinator will undertake a review of the effectiveness of existing systemic safeguards and risk management strategies in this case and, if appropriate, make recommendations for any required improvement.
7. Reportable Conduct Scheme
Reportable Conduct Scheme legislation came into effect on 01 January 2024. Under the scheme the Nations Church is required to notify the Ombudsman within 7 days of allegations of, or convictions for, child abuse by their employees or volunteers, investigate the allegation; and provide a report to the Ombudsman on the outcome of the investigation and any action taken.
What is reportable conduct –
- Sexual offences and misconduct to a child
- Physical assault to a child or in the presence of a child
- Other prescribed offences
- Significant neglect of a child
- Emotional and psychological harm to a child.
A Nations Church employee, volunteer or a member of the public can make a report a Reportable Conduct Scheme matter directly to the Office of the Ombudsman via the following like: Reportable Conduct Notification Form - Ombudsman Western Australia