I understand that by completing this form that I am providing information about my child's additional needs which is considered sensitive information. I consent to this being stored by Nations Church so that Heroes Academy their additional needs ministry can help support my child in their church services and events. Information provided in this form will be stored and managed according to the Nations Church Privacy Policy.
Although Nations Church, its staff and volunteers will exercise all reasonable care in the conduct and supervision throughout all kids programs, to the extent permitted by law, I hereby waive all liability, costs, losses or claims against Nations Church, its employees, representatives and volunteers arising out of or in connection with the child or children registered on this form. The registration form has been signed with full understanding and consideration of all of the above.
I agree that Nations Church may authorise on my child's behalf whatever medical treatment he/she may require until the care is handed over to the parents/guardian (This includes, but is not limited to ambulance attendance and hospital treatment).
Media release: Heroes Academy may be captured in photographs, video and audio. Nations Church reserves the right to use the material for promotional purposes. I understand it is a condition of all registrant's entry into the program that all claims are waived in relation to inclusion of their likeness in such films or recordings. If I am a parent/guardian, I give my consent for my child to be captured on photographic, video and audio media.